MONTGOMERY: Mark Pukita to speak at Ohio Patriots Alliance

Claypool Building 4130 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH

Mark Pukita is the primary speaker at Ohio Patriots Alliance Dayton Chapter meeting July 3, 2021. Mark Pukita is an “America First”, Republican candidate for the US Senate in 2022 from Ohio. Mark was born in Scranton, PA on November 6, 1958. Mark’s family moved frequently up and down the North East and mid-Atlantic coast. … Continue reading MONTGOMERY: Mark Pukita to speak at Ohio Patriots Alliance


TUSCARAWAS: Meet and Greet Joe Blystone

Toolshed at Breitenbach Vineyards 5934 Old Rte 39 NWDover,

Joe Blystone is running for Governor 2022. We are holding rallies, meet and greet's and fundraisers to support and bring awareness to his campaign. Hearing Joe speak you will walk away with a new spirit. A spirit of hope and pride, knowing there is someone like Joe willing to fight and stand up for we … Continue reading TUSCARAWAS: Meet and Greet Joe Blystone


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