CLARK: Monthly Meetup

First Simply Church 595 N. Medway Carlisle Rd., New Carlisle, OH

First Simply Church 595 N Medway Carlisle Rd New Carlisle Our monthly meeting to discuss important topics within the county such as: school board meetings/issues, potential protests, and community information for fellow patriots. Contact Chanel Davis at 740.274.3755

CLARK: Introduction to Constitution Class

First Simply Church 595 N. Medway Carlisle Rd., New Carlisle, OH

FREE admission to the event though we are asking for donations for the instructor.  She is donating her time and resources to help us. RSVP here by June 19th in order for us to get ample material printed. Thank you.


We have MOVED!!  The 2022 Calendar for liberty-group events happening around Ohio can now be found at

VIEW the Ohio Freedom Action Network calendar here.

ADD your event details to here.

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