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MONTGOMERY: Montgomery County Education (Indoctrination) On Your Dime
July 27, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
$20.00Join us for a lively evening with a panel of activists exploring the details of Critical Race Theory, the Whole Child Initiative , and other ‘catchy’ terms that are already at work in your school district canceling freedom. We want to equip you to stand against these seditious actors.
Your check is your reservation: $20. MAIL CHECK PAYABLE TO: GDWRC, 1 Oakwood Ave. Box 242, Dayton OH 45409.
The $20.00 is for an excellent BBQ buffet and unlimited fountain drinks. Cash bar is available.
We have MOVED!! The 2022 Calendar for liberty-group events happening around Ohio can now be found at OhioFAN.com.
VIEW the Ohio Freedom Action Network calendar here.
ADD your event details to OhioFAN.com here.
Question? Send email to freeohionow@eaglefiremail.com.