Let’s STOP H.B. 73 in Ohio

Let’s STOP H.B. 73 in Ohio.  It reduces learning about American Government and American History.  Ohio students need MORE civic learning, not less.  

In Ohio, the liberal teachers’ union is pushing to do away with requirements in American Government and American History.  H.B. 73, the reduce end-of-course assessments bill, that is currently in the Primary and Secondary Education Committee in the Ohio House, is scheduled for opponent hearing on Tuesday, May 18th at 3:00 p.m. in room 313. If you can’t come in person, you can submit written testimony or you can send a brief email to each member of the committee, telling them to oppose H.B. 73.  Here is a sample message– feel free to use it!

Easy-to-call list is shown below or CLICK HERE TO MESSAGE THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS!

H.B.73 threatens to kill the requirement of Constitutional studies in the Ohio classroom from grades 8-12. Ohio Currently requires the teaching of the Founding Documents of our Republic in all 611 school districts, with an end-of-course exam requirement that assures the subject matter will be taught!

After a 12-year effort, our friends at the Ohio Christian Alliance, along with interested parties in Ohio, urged the 129th General Assembly in 2012 to pass what became known as the Founding of America Documents Curriculum which requires the study of the original texts of The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, The U.S. Constitution with emphasis on The Bill of Rights, The Ohio Constitution, and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers.

If H.B. 73 were to pass it would eliminate the end-of-course exam requirement for American Government and American History. Teachers and school districts would no longer be required to teach the subjects. That is why we are urging you to make calls TODAY [to leave voicemail messages] and write emails to STOP H.B. 73!

Please understand – They were already successful in eliminating American History and Government from the high school graduation test two years ago.  Four years ago, they eliminated American History requirement from the 4th-6th grades. This battle to keep the Founding of American Documents Curriculum in the high school is our last stand. That’s why we need you to CALL today!

We are not alone in our concern. Here is an article titled “America shouldn’t sacrifice its U.S. history and government exams on the anti-testing alter.

We need you to make your voice heard to save Constitutional studies.

Please Pick up the phone and CALL the Education Committee Members TODAY.   Committee Chairman
Gayle Manning
(614) 644-5076
rep55@ohiohouse.gov Vice Chairman
Adam Bird
(614) 644-6034
rep66@ohiohouse.gov Gary Click
(614) 644-1374
rep88@ohiohouse.gov Sarah Fowler Arthur
(614) 466-1405
rep99@ohiohouse.gov Don Jones
(614) 644-8728
rep95@ohiohouse.gov Call and leave voicemails TODAY.
Email messages TODAY.
J. Kyle Koehler
(614) 466-2038
rep79@ohiohouse.govSusan Manchester
(614) 466-6344
rep84@ohiohouse.govGail Pavliga
(614) 466-2004
rep75@ohiohouse.govTracy Richardson
(614) 466-8147
rep86@ohiohouse.gov   D.J. Swearingen
(614) 644-6011
rep89@ohiohouse.gov Speaker of the House
Robert Cupp
(614) 466-9624
Thanks to the success of the Founding of America Documents Curriculum, Ohio’s current American Government and American History standards, our Ohio students have been scoring better each year in their proficiency in American Government and American History, far better than their counterparts in other states.  It begs the question – Why does the liberal teachers union want to kill this curriculum?

Chart of Ohio Students’ proficiency in U.S. Government and U.S. History.

Step 1 – Pick up the phone and CALL each of the representatives and politely ask them to STOP HB 73.
Step 2 – Forward the link to this page to your family, friends and neighbors.
Step 3 – Email the representatives by clicking on the addresses above.

Thank you for your effort in working to save our constitutional republic one call at a time!