WHEREAS, the ________________ (fill in county) County Republican Party believes the grassroots of the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) should be more involved with the election process, and;
WHEREAS, the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (ORPSCC) Permanent Rules and Revisions (bylaws) need to be updated to allow the base of the ORP to be more influential, and;
WHEREAS, the ________________ (fill in county) County Republican Party believes it is necessary to hold a Statewide Convention in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3513.11 in March, 2022, or at another time agreeable to the parties approving this Resolution. The rules of this convention shall be drafted by the State Convention Arrangements Committee and will be reviewed and adopted by the delegates to this convention;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the ________________ (fill in county) County Republican Party, in joining at least 44 other Republican County Central Committees to form a majority, demand that a Statewide Convention of the ORP be called in March, 2022, or, if necessary, at another time agreeable to parties approving this Resolution. The purposes of the Statewide Convention include: 1) consider the status of ORP endorsements during primary elections, and 2) establish a platform for the ORP, both permissible by and in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3513.11. This Resolution is valid until December 31, 2022.
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, if the ORP State Convention Arrangements Committee refuses to recognize, honor, accept and take action in a timely manner, then the Republican Party County Central Committees which have passed and enacted this Resolution, shall choose the place and time for the Statewide Convention. Additionally, the Republican Party County Central Committees, who have passed and enacted this Resolution, shall remove any and all financial and volunteer support traditionally provided to the ORP until further notice.
Adopted this date: ____________________________
Motioned by: __________________________________ (county committee precinct captain print name and precinct)
Seconded by: __________________________________ (county committee precinct captain print name and precinct)
Meeting Chair: ____________________________ _________________________ (Printed name and signature)
Printable version: Click here
Posted Sept. 14, 2021