5 Ways to STOP Endorsement of DeWine

Don’t be cheated by the Ohio Republican State Central Committee

On Friday, December 3rd, the Ohio Republican State Central Committee (SCC) is meeting.  They will try to make endorsements for the May 2022 Primary Election in the US senate, Ohio governor and the other statewide office races. If the SCC makes endorsements, the endorsed candidates get Ohio Republican Party money, donor lists, administrative support and much more, making it almost impossible for unendorsed candidates to win the Primary Election.


The Primary Election is for WE, THE REPUBLICAN BASE VOTERS, to decide who we want to represent us in the November, 2022 general election. We, the members of Free Ohio Now, represent MILLIONS of Ohio Republican voters.  We need to tell the 66 members of the SCC it is not their job to tip the scales to favor the most entrenched and establishment candidates (like DeWine), who often disregard their oaths, the will of the Republican base, and the US and Ohio Constitutions once in office.

There are several options about how you can participate in stopping endorsements (especially of DeWine) before the 2022 Primary Election.

It’s time for you to pick actions below and DO THEM. 
The SCC needs to hear from us.  They are supposed to work for us, not the political party bosses.

First, copy and paste the sample message into a new email on your computer or phone along with any changes you want to make to the message.  Then COPY and PASTE the list of email addresses for the SCC Men into the TO: line, and ADD “Do Not Endorse!‘ to the Subject line and HIT SEND.  Next please do the same with the email addresses for the SCC  Women.

Text the SCC members “Do not endorse!”   Here is the list  of SCC members and their cell numbers.  Link to list can also be reached below.

Here is the list of phone numbers of the SCC members.  CALL them today.

You can also peacefully protest at the SCC meeting on Friday, December 3rd and then attend the SCC meeting afterwards. 

SCC Meeting Details:

Address:  Nationwide Conference Center, 100 Green Meadows Drive S, Lewis Center, Ohio  43035  (CLICK for MAP)
Protest Location: Conference Center entrance off Green Meadows Drive S
Date:  Friday, December 3, 2021
Time:  8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Sign message ideas:Do Not Endorse, Let Us Decide, Don’t Usurp My Vote,  Stop Endorsements, Let The Voters Decide, Endorsing: Not Your Job, Don’t Steal My Vote, Stop the Corruption, etc!

The SCC meeting is open to the public.  After the peaceful protest, go to the meeting. 
Note:  Do not bring signs inside or be disruptive during the meeting.

Republican State Central Committee Men

COPY this block of addresses in the TO: line of your email message.

recscorp711@aol.com, mwagoner@slk-law.com, bradmccloud@hotmail.com, gwcates@aol.com, Sbruns@Brunsgc.com, amcguiresr@gmail.com, bobmcewen@cfnp.org, judgealext@gmail.com, jamesmcnulty@gmail.com, steveaustria@gmail.com, bar-buddies@juno.com, chairman@allencountyohiogop.com, davidar333@gmail.com, gregsimpson@fuse.net, jim@jimb3.com,
mark.a.bainbridge@gmail.com, philbow2@gmail.com, mike@ppcohio.net, jack.etheridge@wileyco.com, ph@putnamtruckload.net, miller9977@roadrunner.com, bill.batchelder@gmail.com, robfrost2012@gmail.com, shannon@victorysolutions.us, dancartersr@gmail.com, gary@garyclick.com,
bwilliams@summitcountygop.org, Jsimon@bdblaw.com, cbpolitical@gmail.com,
sencarnes@aol.com, dwills@tusco.net, caseyobrien@hotmail.com, dwjohnson@summitville.com,

Republican State Central Committee Women

COPY this block of addresses in the TO: line of your email message.

recscorp711@aol.com, dhtalmage@bex.net, jadavidson@ameritech.net, pattialder@aol.com,
nettie81669@gmail.com, judew1000@gmail.com, mgs8750@gmail.com, christim@fuse.net,
votelindamatthews2021@gmail.com, larosenbrgr@att.net, donmowe@sbcglobal.net, kathleendeland@gmail.com, pstein@scstrategicsolutions.com, gloriahope24601@gmail.com,
susiepobrien@gmail.com, bonnielward@yahoo.com, okcats2@yahoo.com, mellen5288@outlook.com,
angeladwhite@gmail.com, rodmanreal@aol.com, joann.campbell@yahoo.com, dorisrpeters@yahoo.com, lucygop@aol.com, dverdi0713@hotmail.com, weeta912@gmail.com, katchison48@gmail.com, debbwalsh@aol.com, sarah.brown62@yahoo.com, leeann.johnson@suddenlink.net, agbdm@aol.com, the_pope_03@yahoo.com, mlrobb17@gmail.com

Please EMAIL, TEXT, CALL the members of the Republican SCC today.  Click below to get FULL LIST of 66 members. 


 Dear Republican State Central Committee Member ________,

It has come to my attention that during the upcoming Ohio Republican State Central Committee meeting on Friday, December 3rd, the committee will be voting on candidate endorsements for the May, 2022 Primary including in the US senate, Ohio governor and other statewide races as well.


The Primary is for the base of the Republican Party to determine who they want to represent them during the 2022 General Election, and you should not squelch the base by supporting State Central Committee endorsements. Additionally, some members of the State Central Committee are DeWine political appointees, and everyone should be against them voting on endorsing DeWine for governor.  Allowing these members to do so is a conflict-of-interest because they would literally be undermining the majority of the party’s base for personal gain. This is as morally wrong and corrupt as quid pro quo bribery!

Be better than this, and do not endorse in the Primary Election! Let the voters decide who they want to represent them in November 2022!

Sincerely, ___________________________

(End of Sample Message)

Keep up the Good Work

Parents (moms and dads) have been waking up all over the country to a cold shower from the federal government’s DOJ and FBI intimidation tactics which are being called for by some of the Left’s special interest groups.

The parents have actually been called “domestic terrorists” by this evil cabal for speaking at school board meetings. Incredible the lengths the Left will go to try cancelling and intimidating Americans.

Keep speaking parents! You each have the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution backing you up.

Let’s STOP H.B. 73 in Ohio

Let’s STOP H.B. 73 in Ohio.  It reduces learning about American Government and American History.  Ohio students need MORE civic learning, not less.  

In Ohio, the liberal teachers’ union is pushing to do away with requirements in American Government and American History.  H.B. 73, the reduce end-of-course assessments bill, that is currently in the Primary and Secondary Education Committee in the Ohio House, is scheduled for opponent hearing on Tuesday, May 18th at 3:00 p.m. in room 313. If you can’t come in person, you can submit written testimony or you can send a brief email to each member of the committee, telling them to oppose H.B. 73.  Here is a sample message– feel free to use it!

Continue reading “Let’s STOP H.B. 73 in Ohio”

Take Action: Support President Huddle!

Take Action today to SUPPORT President Huddle.

Send email to the OSBA Trustees TODAY, Friday, May 7, 2021.

We must take a stand and let the powers that be throughout Ohio know we will not tolerate Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in Ohio’s Schools!  


In a nutshell, the goal of CRT advocates is to divide Americans by race, and to use this division to permanently achieve Continue reading “Take Action: Support President Huddle!”

CALL to Action: Secretary LaRose – Do Your Job!

VIDEO:  Breaking News on 2020 Election Fraud During the interview, Dr. Frank covers his analysis of vote manipulation in Pennsylvania, Colorado and OHIO! View this critical documentary TODAY, and SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

WATCH VIDEO:  See the newest and most incontrovertible proof that the November 3, 2020 election was stolen at https://lindelltv.com/. Mike Lindell, Founder of My Pillow, recently conducted an hour-long interview with Ohio’s own Dr. Douglas Frank, PhD Physics, and Dr. Frank shows exactly how the cabal of globalists, communists and other America-hating groups manipulated the votes to steal the presidential election from ALL AMERICANS! 

During the interview, Dr. Frank covers his analysis of vote manipulation in Pennsylvania, Colorado and OHIO! View this critical documentary TODAY, and SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

Also tell our state-wide election official, Secretary of State Frank LaRose, DO YOUR JOB and save Ohio and our Republic!

Continue reading “CALL to Action: Secretary LaRose – Do Your Job!”

End of the Country? CALL today to STOP H.R. 1



All Americans need to call or email their Senators today, tomorrow and Thursday (March 30-31, April 1, 2021) TO DEFEAT H.R. 1! 

H.R. 1, which is before the U.S. Senate, is the final culmination of the Leftist’s dream of forcing all of us under one party Democrat – Leftist rule.  This bill will lead to tyrants in Washington, D.C. telling all Americans how to live every aspect of their lives.  In essence, H.R. 1 will make America look like California – a one-party state where nearly half the citizens have no voice in their own governance. Continue reading “End of the Country? CALL today to STOP H.R. 1”

Lake Varsity Diner on the Winning Side

Uniontown, Ohio – Dozens of diners descended upon Lake Varsity Diner Saturday, February 27, 2021, for a delicious diner-style lunch.

Joe and Colleen Beasley, owners of the diner, were ready for the big game. The diners were there to show their support since the diner has been charged with various infractions of Governor DeWine’s various health orders.

Today, Monday, March 1, 2021, is a trial date for Lake Varsity Diner with the Stark County Court of Common Pleas. The public can call in to listen to the proceedings. Visit the Free Ohio Now website home page for the call-in information. Pictured L-R: Tom Hach, Exec. Director (Free Ohio Now), Joe Beasley (LVD Owner), Kirsten Hill and Jo Ann Campbell.

See a couple more photos of the happy diners. Continue reading “Lake Varsity Diner on the Winning Side”

Free Ohio Now Organizes Trump Trains and Trump Waves

Cleveland, Ohio – Since its founding earlier this year, Free Ohio Now has worked tirelessly to promote the rule of law and to restore the rights of Ohioans under the Ohio and Federal Constitutions. We did this by organizing and promoting rallies against the

unconstitutional March shutdown, advocating for the regular start of school in Ohio as well as for in-person voting on election day, November 3.

In essence, Free Ohio Now is ‘Fighting the New Normal’, and every aspect of this fight has a political dimension to it, and all of them are impacted by the upcoming presidential election on November 3. Although there are two major candidates running for president, the team at Free Ohio Now have tried to take the personalities out of the equation and looked at where the parties would take our country. Based on our belief in individual rights, individual responsibility and that the rule of law should be applied equally, we are of the opinion the Republican platform best aligns with our principles.

JOIN US: To support the implementation of the Republican platform, Free Ohio Now will work through our network of leaders in counties throughout Ohio to organize Trump Trains and Trump sign and flag waving events from now through November 3. Trump Trains are convoys of cars and trucks which are decked out with Trump flags and positive messages which then travel around their respective counties to increase enthusiasm for President Trump and ultimately for the Republican platform. Beyond promoting its own events, Free Ohio Now will actively promote Trump events organized by other people or groups. Times and dates of these events can be found at freeohionow.com, which should be reviewed regularly to get the latest information.

Free Ohio Now asks that all rally participants to use their personal discretion in adhering to recommended COVID-19 safety guidelines. This is especially important for those who may be at high-risk.